Dictionary. English-Swahili. T. Tanzania.
Tanzania is an East African country and Swahili is the nation's official language. English is widely spoken, and other languages spoken in the country are the native tongues of various ethnic groups. The ethnic languages are mainly of Bantu and Nilotic origin.
It was formed in 1964 when two other Commonwealth countries, Tanganyika and Zanzibar, combined. Its capital city is Dodoma and its official languages are Swahili and English. Its main industry is farming but tourism is also Tanzania (Swahili to English translation). Translate Tanzania to Swahili online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. Tanzania under Nyerere made great strides in vital areas of social development: infant mortality was reduced from 138 per 1000 live births in 1965 to 110 in 1985; life expectancy at birth rose from 37 in 1960 to 52 in 1984; primary school enrollment was raised from 25% of age group (only 16% of females) in 1960 to 72% (85% of females) in 1985 (despite the rapidly increasing population); the Tanzanian definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation.
The ethnic languages are mainly of Bantu and Nilotic origin. A dictionary has been produced. Lexically, the variety that developed in the oralist deaf school in Tabora is significantly different from the dictionary, and is under investigation. The common Swahili term in Tanzania for these languages is lugha ya alama (ya Tanzania), lit. ' (Tanzanian) sign language'.
Hej, Jag vill gärna resa på safari till Tanzania och koppla ihop det med en vistelse på Zanzibar. Translation for: 'reskamrat' in Swedish->Georgian dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs.
Translate Tanzania to Swahili online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. Tanzania under Nyerere made great strides in vital areas of social development: infant mortality was reduced from 138 per 1000 live births in 1965 to 110 in 1985; life expectancy at birth rose from 37 in 1960 to 52 in 1984; primary school enrollment was raised from 25% of age group (only 16% of females) in 1960 to 72% (85% of females) in 1985 (despite the rapidly increasing population); the Tanzanian definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation.
Swahili French Dictionary free. Swahili French Translator, Swahili languages that have been spoken in Tanzania, and the Major languages in Tanzania.
Description. This dictionary of English-to-Maa (the language of Maasai peoples of Kenya and Tanzania) was written and compiled by Charles Richmond. It is one of the earliest Maasai dictionaries. The dictionary was developed from 1935 until 1951 while Charles lived in the back country of Kenya colony, East Africa as a subject of the King of England. Swahili is a major language spoken in large parts of mainly East Africa, primarily as a lingua franca.
English is widely spoken, and other languages spoken in the country are the native tongues of various ethnic groups.
Tanzania pronunciation. How to say Tanzania.
Like to have a nice picture on your wall, trays or nice cards? Contact me! In the Maasai Language and Culture Dictionary, it is described as follows: Ol-meeki, pl. il-meek: any non-maasai, bantu.
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av M Nilsson · 2016 — Materials for a comparative dictionary of Cushitic languages: Somali-Galla in education: A comparative study of the situation in Tanzania,.
Dictionary source: hEnglish - advanced version.
Tanzania pronunciation. How to say Tanzania. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more.
More: English to English translation of Tanzania tanzania.
tvättmedel {n} [i pulverform] · washing powder [Br.] geogr. Zansibar {n} [autonoma regionen i Tanzania] · Zanzibar [autonomous region in Tanzania]. 2 Words: Swahili - English Dictionary (Kamusi ya Kiswahili - Kiinge by Rigdon,. TUKI2004 Home - Swahili Language and Culture Acquisitions at Columbia Kamusi ya Kamusi Ya Kiswahili Sanifu : Tanzania Institute of Kiswahili Kamusi Ya Many translated example sentences containing "multitasking" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for Swedish translations.